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Thursday, January 24, 2013

HARGAI IBU BAPA KITA - Story of Appreciation

One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.

He passed the first interview, the director did the last interview, made the last decision.

The director discovered from the CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent all the way, from the secondary school until the postgraduate research,
Never had a year when he did not score.

The director asked,
"Did you obtain any scholarships in school?"
The youth answered "none".

The director asked,
" Was it your father who paid for your school fees?"
The youth answered,
"My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.

The director asked,
" Where did your mother work?"
The youth answered,
"My mother worked as clothes cleaner.
The director requested the youth to show his hands.
The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect.

The director asked,
" Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?"
The youth answered,
"Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books.
Furthermore, my mother can wash clothes faster than me.

The director said,
"I have a request. When you go back today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.*

The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back, he happily requested his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.

The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother shivered when they were cleaned with water.

This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable him to pay the school fee. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his graduation, academic excellence and his future.

After finishing the cleaning of his mother's hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother.

That night, mother and son talked for a very long time.

Next morning, the youth went to the director's office.

The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, asked:
" Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?"

The youth answered,
" I cleaned my mother's hand, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes'

The Director asked,
" please tell me your feelings."

The youth said,
Number 1,
I know now what is appreciation. Without my mother, there would not the successful me today.
Number 2,
By working together and helping my mother, only I now realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done.
Number 3,
I have come to appreciate the importance and value of family relationship.

The director said,
" This is what I am looking for to be my manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life. You are hired.

Later on, this young person worked very hard, and received the respect of his subordinates. Every employee worked diligently and as a team. The company's performance improved tremendously.

A child, who has been protected and habitually given whatever he wanted, would develop "entitlement mentality"and would always put himself first. He would be ignorant of his parent's efforts.
When he starts work, he assumes that every person must listen to him, and when he becomes a manager, he would never know the sufferings of his employees and would always blame others.
For this kind of people, who may be good academically, may be successful for a while, but eventually would not feel sense of achievement.
He will grumble and be full of hatred and fight for more. If we are this kind of protective parents, are we really showing love or are we destroying the kid instead?*

You can let your kid live in a big house, give him a Driver & Car for going around, Eat a Good Meal, learn Piano, Watch a Big Screen TV. But when you are Cutting Grass, please let them experience it. After a Meal, let them Wash their Plates and Bowls together with their Brothers and Sisters. Tell them to Travel in Public Bus, It is not because you do not have Money for Car or to Hire a Maid, but it is because you want to Love them in a right way. You want them to understand, no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will Grow Grey, same as the Mother of that young person. The most important thing is your kid learns how to appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and learns the ability to work with others to get things done..

Pls share it


Salam Maulidur Rasul

Salam Maulidur Rasul 1434. Semoga cinta kita kepada Rasullullah SAW dapat kita terjemahkan dlm bentuk gaya hidup, pergaulan, perbuatan, pekerjaan, pertuturan dan amalan kita, sama ada dalam konteks kita bekerluarga, berorganisasi, bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Semoga dengan ikut cara Nabi, kita akan mendapat kasih sayang dan syafaat daripada Nabi besar kita di hari perhitungan nanti. Amin. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Manisnya COUPLE Halal

Ramai yang kata bila dah kahwin tak ada lagi masa nak dating.  Siapa kata sebab lepas kahwin la boleh dating hari-hari.  Ambik dan hantar balik. Lepas tu makan sama-sama.  Malah dah tak salah duduk bawah satu bumbung.  Manisnya bercinta dengan isteri sebab kita sedikit sebanyak cuba menunjukkan diri kita sebenar.  Masa bercinta dulu mana ada bakal isteri atau tunang kita tahu tentang hutang kita, latar belakang hidup kita dan perkara-perkara yang tak elok biasa kita buat.  Sebab semua kita simpan.  Bila dah kahwin baru tahu buruk baik isteri mahupun suami.  Dalam soal begini, kedua-dua pasangan harus banyak sabar dan tolak ansur. Banyak memberi dan menerima.  Banyak libatkan pasangan kita dalam hal urusan rumah tangga.  Manisnya couple halal ni bila isteri masak suami makan, malah ada suami yang masak untuk isteri.  Tak salahkan suami masak? Yang penting kerjasama.  Kalau ada zuriat, didiklah dengan tanggungjawab biarpun kita terpaksa hantar kat nursery untuk jaga anak kita.  Yang penting landasan ilmu buat mereka menempuh dunia yang sementara ini.  

Kalau Pekerja Tak Suka Boss itu normal...

Salam Hujung Minggu.  Dalam dunia pengurusan sumber manusia, perkara yang paling susah nak handle adalah manusia.  Sebab setiap kita diberikan Allah dengan pelbagai idea dan sifat,  Namun, dalam kontek pemilihan pekerja, ramai yang menitik beratkan aspek kelayakan, pendidikan dan pengalaman.  Hakikatnya perkara itu sepatutnya diletak di bahagian no-2 dalam pemilihan pekerja.  Yang utama - Attitude atau sikap. Pendidikan boleh dipelajari dan pengelaman boleh dialami.  Tidak semua orang yang sudah lama bekerja itu cukup pengalaman dan tidak semua yang masih muda itu tiada pengalaman.  Kalau kita hanya bekerja di sebuah organisasi dan buat satu perkara yang sama dalam tempoh tersebut adakah kita boleh dikatakan berpengalaman? Belum tentu, kerana pengalaman itu melibatkan semua perkara.  Pandai cakap sekalipun belum bermakna kita boleh jadi Lawyer...tetapi yang perlu ada adalah education.  Kalau ada education sekalipun,  tiada pengalaman pun tak guna.  Namun Udak masih menekankan aspek attitude...Tanpa sikap yang baik, pendidikan dan pengalaman tiada makna.  Sebab sikap adalah yang kita warisi dan susah untuk diubah...sebab itu ramai boss atau ketua jabatan rasa terkilan bila pekerja menikam mereka dari belakang. Itu Normal. Sebab situasi inilah yang membezakan kita dengan pekerja.  Apapun tanganilah dengan bijaksana. Kalau patut diambil tindakan disiplin dalaman rasanya tiada masalah daripada kita menyimpan barah yang semakin hari membesar dalam organisasi kita.  Dalam dunia ni, mana dapat kita nak puaskan hati semua orang...Semakin kita memberi, semakin orang meminta. Semakin kita baik, semakin teruk orang nak jatuhkan kita.  Yang baikpun orang tak suka, apalagi yang tak baik.  Selamat berhujung minggu.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Udak kembali

Salam...Lamanya tak menulis kat sini.  Selamat Tahun baru 2013. Semoga tahun ini kita lebih berjaya dalam hidup.

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